
Cette page présente les publications de type revue, conférence, Thèse, Mémoire de Master et rapport technique réalisées durant le projet MADONNE.

[1] A. El Abed. Caractérisation de tracés manuscrits et recherches de similarités en vue de la compression par approche fractale. Master's thesis, Laboratoire LIRIS, Université de Lyon, France, 2004.
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[2] A. El Abed, V. Eglin, F. Lebourgeois, and H. Emptoz. Frequencies decomposition and partial similarities retrieval for patrimonial handwriting documents compression. In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pages 996-1000, 2005.
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[3] N. Bali. Compression et codage pour la transmission de documents patrimoniaux. Master's thesis, Laboratoire LIRIS, Université de Lyon, France, 2004.
[4] E. Baudrier. Comparaison d'images binaires reposant sur une mesure locale des dissimilarités Application à la classification. PhD thesis, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France, 2005.
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[5] E. Baudrier, G. Millon, F. Nicolier, and S. Ruan. A new similarity measure using hausdorff distance map. In International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pages 669-672, 2004.
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[6] E. Baudrier, G. Millon, F. Nicolier, and S. Ruan. A fast binary-image comparison method with local-dissimilarity quantification. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), volume 3, pages 216- 219, 2006.
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[7] E. Baudrier, G. Millon, F. Nicolier, and S. Ruan. Une méthode de comparison d’images binaires quantifiant les dissimilarités locales application à la classification d’impressions anciennes. In Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (CIFED), pages 211-215, 2006.
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[8] E. Baudrier, G. Millon, F. Nicolier, and R. Seulin. Impression virtuelle de tampons en bois gravé anciens. In Séminaire maquette virtuelle et patrimoine, pages 25-28, 2003.
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[9] E. Baudrier, G. Millon, F. Nicolier, R. Seulin, and S. Ruan. Hausdorff distance based multiresolution maps applied to an image similarity measure. In Optical Sensing and Artificial Vision (OSAV), pages 18-21, 2004.
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[10] A.M. Caldeira. Indexation d'images de documents anciens. Master's thesis, Laboratoire L3i, Université de la Rochelle, France, 2005.
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[11] B. Coüasnon. Dealing with noise in dmos, a generic method for structured document recognition: an example on a complete grammar. In Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC), volume 3088 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 38-49, 2004.
[12] B. Coüasnon. Dmos, a generic document recognition method: Application to table structure analysis in a general and in a specific way. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), 8(2-3):111-122, 2005.
[13] B. Coüasnon and J. Camillerapp. Accès par le contenu aux documents manuscrits d'archives numérisés. Document Numérique, 7(3-4):61-84, 2003.
[14] B. Coüasnon, J. Camillerapp, and I. Leplumey. Making handwritten archives documents accessible to public with a generic system of document image analysis. In Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL), pages 270-277, 2004.
[15] B. Coüasnon and I. Leplumey. A generic recognition system for making archives documents accessible to public. In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), volume 1, pages 228-232, 2003.
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[16] M. Delalandre. Query engine on image database (queid). Technical report, Laboratoire L3i, Université de La Rochelle, France, 2006.
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[17] M. Delalandre. Refonte du site web madonne. Technical report, Laboratoire L3i, Université de La Rochelle, France, 2006.
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[18] M. Delalandre and J.M. Ogier. Un système pour l’indexation rapide d'image de lettrine. In Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (CIFED), pages 253-258, 2006.
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[19] P.H. Dezanneau, P. Dujon, P. Ferret, D. Fisson, L. Paviot, and A. Verneuil. Réalisation d’un site web pour le projet aci madonne. Technical report, Laboratoire L3i, Université la Rochelle, France, 2004.
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[20] V. Eglin, S. Bres, and C.J. Rivero-Moreno. Biological inspired tools for patrimonial handwriting denoising and categorization. In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pages 59-63, 2005.
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[21] V. Eglin, S. Bres, and C.J. Rivero-Moreno. Hermite and gabor based approaches for patrimonial handwriting processing. International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), to appear.
[22] V. Eglin, F Lebourgeois, S. Bres, H. Emptoz, Y. Leydier, I. Moalla, and F. Drira. Computer assistance for digital libraries: Contributions to middle-ages and authors'manuscripts exploitation and enrichment. In Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL), pages 265-280, 2006.
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[23] D. Gaceb. Extraction de similarités de formes dans les images de traits. Master's thesis, Laboratoire LIRIS, Université de Lyon, France, 2005.
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[24] D. Gaceb, V. Eglin, and S. Bres. Extraction de similarités dans les manuscrits du patrimoine pour la compression des images et la caractérisation des styles. In Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (CIFED), pages 229-234, 2006.
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[25] D. Gaceb, V. Eglin, and S. Bres. Handwriting similarities as features for the characterization of writer’s style invariants and image compression. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), volume 2, pages 776-789, 2006.
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[26] U. Garain, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. On foreground-background separation in low quality document image. In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), volume 2, pages 585-589, 2005.
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[27] U. Garain, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. On foreground-background separation in low quality document image. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), 8(1):47-63, 2006.
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[28] M. Hamoud. Extraction des signatures d'images graphiques pour l'indexation d'images : applications à la valorisation du patrimoine. Master's thesis, Laboratoire L3i, Université de la Rochelle, France, 2005.
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[29] A. Hassaine. Codage de graphèmes et compression sans perte d'images de manuscrits anciens. Master's thesis, Laboratoire LIRIS, Université de Lyon, France, 2006.
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[30] A. Herbe. Mise en place d'une plate-forme d'indexation d'images par le contenu. Technical report, Laboratoire L3i, Université de la Rochelle, France, 2005.
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[31] N. Journet. Analyse d'images de documents : une approche texture. PhD thesis, Université de La Rochelle, France, 2006.
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[32] N. Journet, V. Eglin, J.Y. Ramel, and R. Mullot. Text/graphic labelling of ancient printed documents. In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pages 1010-1014, 2005.
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[33] N. Journet, R. Mullot, V. Eglin, and J.Y. Ramel. Analyse d’images de documents anciens : Catégorisation de contenus par approche text. In Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (CIFED), pages 247-252, 2006.
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[34] N. Journet, R. Mullot, V. Eglin, and J.Y. Ramel. Dedicated texture based tools for characterisation of old books. In Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL), pages 60-70, 2006.
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[35] N. Journet, R. Mullot, J.Y. Ramel, and V. Eglin. Ancient printed documents indexation: a new approach. In International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), volume 3686 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 513-522, 2005.
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[36] N. Journet, J.Y. Ramel, V. Eglin, and R. Mullot. Caractérisation de la mise en page des documents imprimés de la renaissance par une analyse des orientations. In Colloque GRETSI, pages 122-129, 2005.
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[37] A. Karray. Recherche de lettrines par le contenu. Master's thesis, Laboratoire L3i, Universités de La Rochelle et de Sfax, France et Tunisie, 2006.
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[38] Y. Labarre and J. Selier. Acquisition svg de vérités terrain, application aux livres anciens imprimés. Technical report, Laboratoire L3i, Université de La Rochelle, France, 2006.
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[39] F. Lebourgeois and H. Emptoz. Debora: Digital access to books of the renaissance. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), to appear.
[40] F. Lebourgeois, H. Emptoz, and E. Trinh. Compression et accessibilité aux images de documents numérisés : application au projet debora. Document Numérique, 7(3-4):103-125, 2003.
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[41] F. Lebourgeois and H. Kaileh. Automatic metadata retrieval from ancient manuscripts. In Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), volume 3163 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 75-89, 2004.
[42] F. Lebourgeois, E. Trinh, B. Allier, V. Eglin, and H. Emptoz. Documents images analysis solutions for digital libraries. In Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL), pages 2-24, 2004.
[43] A. Lemaitre. Analyse et intégration de graphes de voisinage dans la méthode dmos. Master's thesis, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Rennes, France, 2006.
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[44] A. Lemaitre and J. Camillerapp. Text line extraction in handwritten document with kalman filter applied on low resolution image. In Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL), pages 38-45, 2006.
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[45] A. Lemaitre, B. Coüasnon, and I. Leplumey. Using a neighbourhood graph based on voronoï tessellation with dmos, a generic method for structured document. In Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC), volume 3926 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 276-287, 2006.
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[46] S. Leriche. Segmentation et analyse structurelle interactives de documents imprimées anciens. Master's thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, Université de Tours, France, 2004.
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[47] Consortium MADONNE. Madonne : Masse de données issues de la numérisation du patrimoinne. In Atelier sur la Numérisation de l'Ecrit Ancien et des GRAndes Masses de données (ANAGRAM), 2006.
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[48] S. Nicolas. Segmentation par champs aléatoires pour l'indexation d'images de documents. PhD thesis, Université de Rouen, France, 2006.
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[49] S. Nicolas, Y. Kessentini, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. Handwritten document segmentation using hidden markov random fields. In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pages 212-216, 2005.
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[50] S. Nicolas, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. Digitizing cultural heritage manuscripts: the bovary project. In Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng), pages 55-57, 2003.
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[51] S. Nicolas, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. Enriching historical manuscripts: the bovary project. In Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), volume 3163 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 135-146, 2004.
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[52] S. Nicolas, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. Text line segmentation in handwritten documents using a production system. In International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR), pages 245-250, 2004.
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[53] S. Nicolas, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. Un panorama des méthodes syntaxiques pour la segmentation d'images de documents manuscrits. In Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (CIFED), pages 237-242, 2004.
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[54] S. Nicolas, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. Complex handwritten page segmentation using contextual models. In Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL), pages 46-57, 2006.
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[55] S. Nicolas, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. Extraction de la structure de documents manuscrits complexes à l'aide de champs markoviens. In Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (CIFED), pages 13-18, 2006.
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[56] S. Nicolas, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. Markov random field models to extract the layout of complex handwritten documents. In International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR), 2006.
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[57] S. Nicolas, T. Paquet, and L. Heutte. A markovian approach for handwritten document segmentation. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), volume 3, pages 292-295, 2006.
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[58] J.M. Ogier and K. Tombre. Madonne: Document image analysis techniques for cultural heritage documents. In International Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage, 2006.
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[59] W. Papin. Projet madonne. Technical report, Université de Poitiers, France, 2004.
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[60] T. Paquet. Processing of archived historical handwritten documents. In International Workshop on Document Analysis (IWDA), pages 65-90, 2005.
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[61] R. Pareti, S. Uttama, J.P. Salmon, J.M. Ogier, S. Tabbone, L. Wendling, and N. Vincent. On defining signatures for the retrieval and the classification of graphical dropcaps. In Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL), pages 220-231, 2006.
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[62] R. Pareti and N. Vincent. Ancient initial letters indexing. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pages 756-759, 2006.
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[63] R. Pareti and N. Vincent. Global discrimination of graphics styles. In Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC), volume 3926 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 121-132, 2006.
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[64] J.Y. Ramel. Propositions pour la représentation et l’analyse de documents numériques. Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches, Universite Francois Rabelais de Tours, 2006.
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[65] J.Y. Ramel, S. Busson, and M.L. Demonet. Agora: the interactive document image analysis tool of the bvh project. In Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL), pages 145-155, 2006.
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[66] J.Y. Ramel and S. Leriche. Segmentation et analyse interactives documents anciens imprimés. Traitement du Signal (TS), 22(3):209-222, 2005.
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[67] J.Y. Ramel, S. Leriche, M.L. Demonet, and S. Busson. User-driven page layout analysis of historical printed books. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), to appear.
[68] J.P. Salmon, L. Wendling, and S. Tabbone. Automatic definition of measures from the combination of shape descriptors. In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pages 986-990, 2005.
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[69] J.P. Salmon, L. Wendling, and S. Tabbone. Reconnaissance de symboles graphiques à partir d'une combinaison de descripteurs en intégrant leur comportement sur une base d’apprentissage. In Colloque International Francophone sur l'Écrit et le Document (CIFED), pages 97-102, 2006.
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[70] J.P. Salmon, L. Wendling, and S. Tabbone. Improving the recognition by integrating the combination of descriptors. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), to appear.
[71] S. Uttama, M. Hammoud, C. Garrido, P. Franco, and J.M. Ogier. Ancient graphic documents characterization. In Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC), pages 97-105, 2005.
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[72] S. Uttama, P. Loonis, M. Delalandre, and J.M. Ogier. Segmentation and retrieval of ancient graphic documents. In Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC), volume 3926 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 88-98, 2006.
[73] S. Uttama, J.M. Ogier, and P. Loonis. Top-down segmentation of ancient graphical drop caps: Lettrines. In Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC), pages 87-96, 2005.
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